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Copyright © 2005-2007 by Darius Stewart.

Expression of Love

The pain and suffering of Christ: to this he fully gave Himself; it is the ultimate expression of His Love. When your loved one dies, attempt not to suppress your pain; it is likewise the ultimate expression of your love. Understand, if you attempt to suppress the pain, you are likewise suppressing and bottling up the flow of love. Their physical absence does not cause that love in your heart to cease its flow; only that it is changed in its expression.

Comfort may be found if you realize and recognize pain as love expressed. Emptiness of heart is supposed, as the object of its love is taken away. But how can a heart be empty if it yet remains a fountain of love? Withhold not your tears: if weeping over the death of a loved one is a sin, then Jesus was the chiefest of sinners. Allow yourself no guilt or intimidation because of your pain: rather might these be due if your heart was hardened and cold.

Express not only sadness to a friend in pain, but enter into the suffering with him. Understand this pain you bear to be a channel through which love is allowed to continue its flow. When they were present this channel was not needed. Now may it span the distance even into the presence of and providing a linkage between the temporal and the eternal.

Again, understand that the sufferings of Christ were for Him a channel through which He might express His love for you.

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